Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb.
Praise Allah Subhanahu wata'ala the presence of unremitting bestow blessings and His mercy to us all.
and blessings on us to say a big hello to the Prophet Muhammad
sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam who brought us all of the dark road toward
the light path is blessed by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
that the existence of Islam in the lives of young people is important,
because they have the potential to color the history of mankind in
general. All
of the ideology of the revolution-oriented strategy, consider the youth
as the most revolutionary force since human psychological Hamasah peak
(surge spirit) and quwwatul body (physical strength) at a young age. This raised the spirit of movement, change, not stagnation or the status quo. In any period of time, yesterday, today and tomorrow, the youth always standing in the forefront. Well as a staunch defender of truth, or as sophisticated defenders of sleaze.
the Qur'an, the role of youth in its account ashab Kahf (18:9-22), the
story of young Abraham (2:258 and 21:60,69) and the youth was killed by
ashab Uhdud (see the commentary of Ibn Kathir QS Al Buruuj ) and the Assabiqunal Awwalun generally younger.
importance of utilizing youth depicted in the hadith the Prophet
Muhammad, as follows: "Take advantage of five before the coming of five:
your youth sebellum time your parents come; the coming future health
before your pain; period before the coming period miskinmu kayamu; your
days before coming period matimu; your spare time before the coming period sibukmu. "(Reported by al Bayhaqi)
• Ten Minutes of YOUTH
A. Understanding Islam
It is impossible to glorify youth of Islam if they themselves do not understand Islam (35:28, 58:11)
"Who will get the good will of God, then dipandaikanlah in religion." (Bukhari, Muslim)
world is cursed and cursed everything in it except dzikrulloh and
similar, and the pious and the prosecution of science." (Reported by At
2. Believe all the teachings of Islam
Faith in Allah and His Messenger is essentially a mental attitude of obedience and submission (23:51). Submission based on love for Him (2:165) and ittiba '(to follow) Apostles (3:31, 53:3-4).
3. Practice and preach Islam
of people who do not suffer losses (khusrin) in life is to constantly
practice and preach Islam (103:1-3, 41:33, 3:110, 9:71, 5:78-79).
"Whoever calls on the kindness he would get commensurate rewards to people who do it." (Muslim)
4. Islamic Jihad street
Jihad is one of the things that are required by Allah to the Muslims. Said Eve divide jihad into five types:
a. Jihad
Lisaani, convey the message of Islam to the infidels, hypocrites and
Fasiq accompanied by proof (argument) is exemplified by the Prophet SAW.
b. Jihad or Jihad Maali by property (49:15, 9:111). Jihad with wealth is a vital part of the other jihad, because the mission requires facilities and infrastructure.
c. Bilyad wan nafs jihad or jihad with hand / power and soul (22:39, 2:190, 8:39, 9:36). Included
in this jihad against infidels, trying to expel them from the Islamic
world, fighting the apostates in Islamic country, insurrection or
rebellion against the Islamic state.
d. Siyaasi political jihad or jihad.
e. Jihad
Tarbawi / ta 'limi, which meant it to teach, communicate knowledge and
educating people who want to understand Islam (3:79)
5. Patience and istiqomah above way of Islam (21:83-85, 38:41-44, 37:100-107, 21:68-69, 71:5-9)
Faith must proceed with patience and istiqamah. "Faith in faith and patience must be unanimously that half of faith." (Abu Nu'aim)
6. Bring together people in the Islamic bond
Youth should play a role in establishing Muslim brotherhood among Muslims (8:63, 59:9). "Every believer that one for another believer is like a building, between each other mutually affirming," (Al Hadith)
7. Stimulate and direct the potential of the Muslim
Potential Muslims need to be directed to the charity jama'i effectively and efficiently (3:146)
8. Optimistic about the future of Islam
Muslim youth should not have a pessimistic soul. Instead, it should be optimistic about the outcome of struggle and the help and replies from Allah SWT. Only those disbelievers who have a pessimistic nature (12:87, 15:56).
9. Introspection (muhasabah) for all activities that have been made
and evaluation of youth are not intended to repeat the same mistakes in
the coming days, do not get stuck with the same problems and are able
to repair themselves into a better direction (13:11).
"A perfect intellect is the corrected himself and prepared to charity as a preparation for death." (Reported by At Tirmidhi)
10. In all sincerity of devotion in the way of Islam
Purify the intention for God in worship, and jihad is the fundamental problem that it received at once a successful charity.
help these people just because of the weak people among them is by
preaching, prayer and sincere they are," (An HR of Sa'ad bin Abi Nasai
******Hopefully Helpful *** ***
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